IMPORTANT: User's language and other fields have been removed from Twitter APIs


(Maziyar Panahi) #1


Twitter has removed the field user.language last night and many others. The value will be null from now on.

Multivac APIs has no choice but to follow these recent changes and remove the options to query these fields.

No longer supported (deprecated) attributes

Field Type Description
utc_offset null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET account/settings
time_zone null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET account/settings as tzinfo_name
lang null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET account/settings as language
geo_enabled null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET account/settings. This field must be true for the current user to attach geographic data when using POST statuses / update
following null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET friendships/lookup
follow_request_sent null Value will be set to null. Still available via GET friendships/lookup
has_extended_profile null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
notifications null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_location null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
contributors_enabled null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_image_url null Deprecated . Value will be set to null. NOTE: Profile images are only available using the profile_image_url_https field.
profile_background_color null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_background_image_url null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_background_image_url_https null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_background_tile null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_link_color null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_sidebar_border_color null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_sidebar_fill_color null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_text_color null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
profile_use_background_image null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
is_translator null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
is_translation_enabled null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.
translator_type null Deprecated . Value will be set to null.


(Maziyar Panahi) #2