Here is the oms script (nothing much more than what the wizard created):
val seed = Val[Int]
val numberOfIndividuals = Val[Double]
val ppOfLuckyEvents = Val[Double]
val numberOfEvents = Val[Double]
val meanTalent = Val[Double]
val stdevTalent = Val[Double]
val sizeOfIndividuals = Val[Double]
val initialSuccess = Val[Double]
val simulationTime = Val[Double]
val time = Val[Double]
val talents = Val[List[Double]]
val successes = Val[List[Double]]
val launch = List("setup","go;;You should set your stopping criteria here instead")
val tvlmodelTask = NetLogo6Task(workDirectory / "TvLmodel.nlogo", launch, embedWorkspace = false, seed=seed) set(
inputs += (seed),
inputs += numberOfIndividuals mapped "number-of-individuals",
inputs += ppOfLuckyEvents mapped "pp-of-lucky-events",
inputs += numberOfEvents mapped "number-of-events",
inputs += meanTalent mapped "mean-talent",
inputs += stdevTalent mapped "stdev-talent",
inputs += sizeOfIndividuals mapped "size-of-individuals",
inputs += initialSuccess mapped "initial-success",
inputs += simulationTime mapped "simulation-time",
outputs += talents mapped "talents",
outputs += successes mapped "successes",
//Default values. Can be removed if OpenMOLE Vals are set by values coming from the workflow
seed := 0,
numberOfIndividuals := 1000.0,
ppOfLuckyEvents := 50.0,
numberOfEvents := 1000.0,
meanTalent := 0.54,
stdevTalent := 0.17,
sizeOfIndividuals := 7.0,
initialSuccess := 5.0,
simulationTime := 35.0)
tvlmodelTask hook ToStringHook()
Thank you very much for your help btw reactive community we have here :