Séminaire d'analyse des Structures et des Processus Sociaux (SPS) - INRIA

(Margaux Calon) #1

Cher.e.s collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la prochaine séance du séminaire d’analyse des Structures et des Processus Sociaux (SPS), qui aura lieu vendredi 19 avril à la Maison de la Recherche (28 Rue Serpente 75006 Paris), de 15h à 17h. La salle sera affichée à l’écran à l’entrée du bâtiment.

L’entrée est libre.

Nous accueillerons:

Jen Schradie, Observatoire sociologique du changement (OSC), Sciences Po Paris

“Pluralism, Participation and Personalization: How Digital Activism Fails to Deliver”

A classic theory of “polyarchy” argues that different types of political groups can overcome power imbalances because competing interest groups can keep power in check, creating a system wherein any citizen can make their voice heard. Yet as society has grown more complex, the levers of government have come to be seen as increasingly distant from the citizenry and rigged in favor of the powerful. Online activism, by “flattening” communication networks, seemed to hold out the possibility of reinstating the pluralist ideal, updating this democracy debate for the digital age. The basic idea behind techno-optimist rhetoric is that digital technologies offer a means of overcoming these power imbalances and returning to a (new and improved) version of polyarchy. This digital democracy would result from reducing the costs of participation and coordination, while also creating more direct channels to connect “the people” with those in power, without organizational dogma or hierarchies running the show. Yet most of the academic literature that makes these arguments focuses on national and international left-leaning movements, as well as more educated early-adopters. Instead, Schradie takes a political field level approach to understand what everyday people are doing with their political work and digital technology. With a U.S. case, she analyzes social movement political, labor and social movement groups from different political ideologies, organizational structures and social classes to understand how, and how much, they use the internet. Quantitative and qualitative results from both online and offline data show that conservatives, who tend to be more hierarchical and resourced, have much higher levels of digital engagement. This research is featured in her book out in May by Harvard University Press: The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives.

Dans l’espoir de vous y retrouver nombreux,

Ivan Ermakoff (Université du Wisconsin à Madison) <ermakoff@ssc.wisc.edu>
Gianluca Manzo (CNRS –GEMASS) <gianluca.manzo@cnrs.fr>
Etienne Ollion (CNRS –SAGE) <etienne.ollion@gmail.com>
Ivaylo Petev (CNRS –CREST) <Ivaylo.Petev@ensae.fr>
Paola Tubaro (CNRS –LRI) <paola.tubaro@lri.fr>

Voir ici le descriptif du séminaire et le programme complet 2018-2019: https://www.gemass.fr/seminaire-d-analyse-des-structures-4815?lang=fr