I’m currently working on a remote server of 16 cores but I want to use only 4 of them (because everyone in my lab work on this server). Open Mole is not respecting the limit on the number of core I gave him in the SSHEnvironment declaration, it’s using all the 16 cores. Does anyone has experienced something like this ?
I’m using the following script (I skipped the model definition part) :
val nsga2 = NSGA2(
mu = 50,
genome = Seq(T0 in (0.0, 3.0), cexp in (0.8, 1.0), pas in (0.1, 5.0), niter in (100.0, 10000.0)),
objectives = Seq(doubleValue)
val evolution = SteadyStateEvolution(
algorithm = nsga2,
evaluation = AckleyFunction – toDouble,
parallelism = 10,
termination = 30
val savePopulation = SavePopulationHook(evolution, workDirectory / “evolution/”)
val env =
4 // The number of cores you want to use on the remote server
(evolution hook savePopulation on env)
I’m adding a screenshot of what I experienced this morning on the server :